SITIC AFRICA 2019 18-19-20 June 2019 in Tunis annual meeting of African Digital Experts
The African market and digital intelligence potential combined with the financial resources and skills of Western countries could constitute an axis of development and a triangular win-win partnership between Tunisia, Western Countries and Africa. It is with this in mind that the 4th edition of SITIC AFRICA 2019 will be registered to be an opening for Tunisian companies in triangular partnership both with Western Countries and with African Countries.
Organized by Tunisie Afrique Export, SITIC AFRICA 2019 will take place from June 18 to 20, 2019, at the Parc des Expositions du Kram in Tunis and will welcome nearly 10,000 professional public and private Tunisian, African, Arab and International visitors over three days.
This 4th edition of SITIC AFRICA 2019 promises to be exceptional, highlighting 3 major assets.
The first asset lies in the African scale.
We are expecting more than 300 African companies with the invitation of 9 African Digital Ministers from the following countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Niger and the DRC.
The novelty for this year is to continue to deepen the partnership with the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa but also to open up to other French-speaking and English-speaking African countries DRC, Chad, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia and Kenya.
African students in Tunisia will also be on hand as Ambassadors of their countries but also as important human resources for a sector which suffers from the brain drain abroad.
The Maghreb countries will also be strongly present thanks to the Union of Maghreb Banks whose presidency is currently Tunisian.
The second asset is combined with the development of triangular cooperation between Western Countries, Tunisia and Africa. At least 5 paid Westerners have started this process within the framework of SITIC AFRICA 2019: Canada, Province of Quebec, Germany, Belgium and Italy who have reserved International Pavilions for SITIC AFRICA 2019.
This experience had already been started last year at SITIC AFRICA 2018 by Canada. Canadian digital companies are increasingly exploring Tunisia as a production base for redeployment in Africa. 10 of them have already invested in digital in Tunisia.
The triangular cooperation takes the form of an investment by a western company in Tunisia with one without a Tunisian partner and considering Tunisia as a platform for redeployment in Africa.
The third asset lies in the content of the SITIC AFRICA 2019:
First, the promotion of the Tunisian digital offer.
Bringing together this offer in an exhibition space allows African, Maghreb and Western companies and in 3 days to better understand this offer and this Tunisian potential.
On the other hand, the SITIC AFRICA 2019 is completely Business. Pre-programmed B2B meetings are organized in a dedicated space. More than 1,000 B2B meetings will be held in this space to encourage investment, partnership and export.
Other important content, the organization of International Forums and workshops to create synergies between professionals and deal with topical subjects to present the state of play on these subjects in Tunisia, African and international cooperation and present the news and innovations capable of improving competitiveness and business development.
The International Forum on Innovative Digital Financial Instruments is held in its 3rd edition and is organized in partnership with the Tunisian Professional Association of Banks, APTBEF knowing that Digital Financial Transformation is an important issue in Tunisia.
The International E-health Forum in Africa is in its 2nd edition. The partnership and exchange of experiences with Africa will continue to position Tunisia in the African health ecosystem.
An International Forum on Tunisia’s Membership in COMESA will highlight an important competitive advantage of Tunisia’s access to a market of more than 500 million people.
Finally, with German Cooperation, GIZ, triangular cooperation will be on the agenda with a Startup to Africa panel, but there will also be an important nod to the digitization of the Industry through a seminar and a workshop. Industry 4.0 work plan based on the successful experience of Germany.
We Tunisians, we must believe in our skills, believe in our country and why not work together to make Tunisia a Regional and International Digital Hub.
I appeal to all Tunisian professionals to come in large numbers to SITIC AFRICA 2019. The digitization of our economy is a must because the Digital sector is a transversal sector serving all sectors of the economy

Join us and be part of the great ICT event in Africa alongside decision makers and prime contractors from Tunisia, Africa and elsewhere. Come Share your experiences and participate in exchanges to contribute to the development of South-South collaboration links.
Info. Contact
Tel: 216 71 975 035 / 71 975 054
Fax: +216 71 975 352
Adress: Kram Exhibition Center
Exhibition Commissioner
Ms Nada Ziadi
Phone : +216 99 573 809
M. Chaker Mansouri
Tel : +216 22 988 089
Ms Nada Ziadi
Phone : +216 99 573 809