SITIC AFRICA 2019 18-20 June 2019, El Kram Exhibition Park, Tunis International Digital Exhibition dedicated to Africa
African market potential and digital intelligence combined with financial resources and developed countries know-how could constitute an axis of development and triangular win-win partnership between Tunisia, developed countries and Africa. In this perspective, the 4th edition of SITIC AFRICA 2019 will be an opening for Tunisian companies in triangular partnership with both developed and African countries.
SITIC AFRICA 2019, which will take place from 18 to 20 June 2019, at El Kram Exhibition Park in Tunis, will host over three days more than 3000 Tunisian, African, Arab and International public and private IT decision makers.
As in previous editions, SITIC AFRICA 2019 will bring together more than 200 African public and private decision-makers from Francophone Africa. But the novelty for this 4th edition is the openness to Anglophone Africa and the strong presence of developed countries. Important Delegations from Algeria, Belgium, Canada, Germany and Italy have been already announced.
The Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions will contribute with Tunisie Afrique Export to encourage the African and Western banking and financial sector to join this important International Digital Exhibition.
In this context, the triangular cooperation Tunisia-Developed countries-Africa is considered.
SITIC AFRICA 2019 will include 3 main components:
- 1st PART: The core of the Exhibition will be the presentation of a complete IT offer in Tunisia
In this regard, more than 200 Tunisian, African, Arab and Foreign IT Exhibitors will take part.
The space dedicated to International Exhibitors is yet another asset promoting triangular cooperation between Tunisia-Western Countries- Africa. National pavilions from Belgium Canada, Germany and Italy have been already announced.
- 2nd PART: The organization of B2B Meetings
SITIC AFRICA 2019 Business to Business meetings will make it possible for participants to have targeted business appointments with their vis-à-vis and to select the appropriate suppliers to suit their projects. These B2B meetings are set up for Tunisians as well as for foreign participants. - 3rd PART: The organization of Forums and Workshops on topics related to IT Business in Africa and in Western Countries
Beside to the Exhibition and B2B meetings, Forums and Workshops are organized on topics relevant to IT business. These Forums and Workshops will be centered on the following issues:
- The 3rd edition of the International Forum on the New Digital Financial Solutions in partnership with The Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions with the involvement of the African and European financial sector.
- The 2nd edition of the International Forum on E-Health in Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Health National Federation within the Employers Body, UTICA.
- Workshops organized on topics related to IT business.
SITIC AFRICA 2019 will be an International platform for business in Digital that will serve to raise awareness on the Tunisian, African and Western IT offer.
Save the dates June, 18-20 2019 in Tunis, We are awaiting your participation and visit.

Join us and be part of the great ICT event in Africa alongside decision makers and prime contractors from Tunisia, Africa and elsewhere. Come Share your experiences and participate in exchanges to contribute to the development of South-South collaboration links.
Info. Contact
Tel: 216 71 975 035 / 71 975 054
Fax: +216 71 975 352
Adress: Kram Exhibition Center
Exhibition Commissioner
Ms Nada Ziadi
Phone : +216 99 573 809
M. Chaker Mansouri
Tel : +216 22 988 089
Ms Nada Ziadi
Phone : +216 99 573 809