SITIC AFRICA 2019, a platform for the digital sector
This event, organized by Tunisie Afrique Export – founded and directed by Férid Tounsi, former DG of the API and former CEO of CEPEX – is held under the aegis of the Ministry of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy with the support in particular from the ICT Federation (UTICA).
In an interview he just gave to Webmanagenrcenter (WMC), Férid Tounsi explains the objectives of this Fair: to present export assistance services to Tunisian exporting companies, to attract Western companies interested in the partnership in Tunisia and in Africa.
In this sense, he explains to WMC readers that SITIC AFRICA 2019 constitutes “a real international platform in the digital sector able to give the opportunity to know the Tunisian, African and Western offer in terms of ICT”.
To do this, the Show will have 3 components: presentation of a full range of ICT in Tunisia, B2B meetings, and the organization of forums and workshops on the ICT business in Africa and in Western countries.
Mr. Tounsi seems very optimistic about the success of this edition, in terms of exhibitors (Tunisian and foreign), the arrival of high-level foreign delegations (several African ministers are notably announced).
In addition and on the sidelines of the Fair, the Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (APTBEF) will organize the 3rd edition of its forum on the theme “Towards innovative digital financial instruments”.
For the CEO of Tunisie Afrique Export, the message is clear: meet the Tunisian, African, Arab and Western digital world at the same place and at the same time, in Tunisia, on June 18, 19 and 20, 2019. .
In this video below, Férid Tounsi gives more details on this 4th edition of the SITIC Africa 2019 fair.

Join us and be part of the great ICT event in Africa alongside decision makers and prime contractors from Tunisia, Africa and elsewhere. Come Share your experiences and participate in exchanges to contribute to the development of South-South collaboration links.
Info. Contact
Tel: 216 71 975 035 / 71 975 054
Fax: +216 71 975 352
Adress: Kram Exhibition Center
Exhibition Commissioner
Ms Nada Ziadi
Phone : +216 99 573 809
M. Chaker Mansouri
Tel : +216 22 988 089
Ms Nada Ziadi
Phone : +216 99 573 809