4th edition of the International E-health Forum in Africa

SITIC AFRICA, the International Digital Exhibition dedicated to Africa is an International Digital Business platform involving the African and international offer in a logic of development, partnership, investment and co-project implementation. Over 300 African companies visiting the Exhibition with more than 200 professional visitors from Western countries.
Since its launch in 2016 in Tunis, SITIC AFRICA has always relied on 3 major axes:
- Exposure of African potential in the digital sector with Starts Up and Innovation spaces.
- Organization of B2B meetings between African and international digital companies between them, and between them and the digital user companies.
- The International Forums on applied digital transformation to other sectors of the economy: agriculture, industry and services, including banking and financial services.
Since 2018, the Promoters of SITIC AFRICA have organized an International E-Health Forum in Africa every year. This Forum has always been organized in partnership with the Tunisian Ministry of Health, the Tunisian Federation of Health, Le Body of Employers, Conect Digital, the Tunisian Association of Telemedicine and African partners, particularly in Telemedicine.
The digital transformation in the health sector in Africa is for SITIC AFRICA one of the major priorities as digital technology transforms our lives.
Its impact should accelerate the improvement of our social lifestyle and the quality of our life. The health of the African being a top priority.
E-health includes:
- Telehealth, which includes prevention and care actions carried out remotely: information via general public portals, health promotion sites, telephone alert systems, remote electronic prescriptions.
- Telemedicine (medical procedures performed remotely by a doctor): consultation by videoconference, tele-assistance from a doctor during an intervention, remote monitoring of the patient, tele-expertise (exchange of doctors’ opinions).
- M-health (mobile health) which includes digital applications for smartphones or connected objects (bracelets, etc.) related to health.
- Electronic health record systems.
The health sector in Africa is now facing several challenges of modernization.
Our International Forum E-health in Africa will try to make an inventory of digitization of health in Africa, exchange of experiences and good practices between countries, presentation of innovative programs that can boost the E -Health in Africa and of course the formulation of recommendations to improve the existing one.
The panelists who would speak from the African and international level will try to shed the maximum light on digital advances in the health sector, both for the patient and for the doctor or the public or private organization that manages health. These advances must be seen both in the quality of research and care and in the management of the patient-doctor, hospital-clinic / doctor / patient relationship.
International Forum on E-Health in Africa
- The first edition SITIC AFRICA 2018 Digital technologies for health in Africa.
Held April 11, 2018, this first forum was possible to to draw up an inventory of the health sector scan in Tunisia and Africa.
Telemedicine has been put forward to address the shortage of doctors and lack of material resources in Africa.
South-South cooperation and North-South was widely discussed with the logic of creating a collaborative platform between health actors. - 2nd Edition SITIC AFRICA 2019:
This International Forum was organized on June 19, 2019, the 2nd day of the Show. The 2nd edition of the International Forum “E-health in Africa, transforming the Digital Health economy”, within SITIC AFRICA 2019, focused in particular on E-Health strategies in Tunisia and Africa, the impact of new Technologies on E-Health, (AI, IOT and Blockchain…) as well as new professions and job creation in E-Health. A strong participation of the Tunisian, African and North African health sector present at SITIC AFRICA 2019 had been recorded.
This International Forum had initiated a productive dialogue between health sector managers from different business cultures, which allowed the emergence of new ideas discussed within the 3 themes in a favorable climate of exchange
- 3rd virtual edition SITIC AFRICA 2020:
Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, the face-to-face SITIC AFRICA 2020 edition scheduled for June 2020 has been abandoned in favor of a special virtual edition running from June to December 2020. The webinar we had organized on E-Health in Africa brought together experts from the public and private sectors of Tunisia, Africa and Western countries to talk about digital transformation in Africa in the health sector in the context of the COVID Pandemic 19. Three main areas were discussed:
• State of play of digital transformation in the health sector in Africa.
• International cooperation with Africa especially in Telemedicine.
• E-Health Innovation: 5G and connected healthThe panelists from France, Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco and Tunisia tried to take stock of the transformation of the health sector in Africa while presenting the priorities that seemed to them necessary to engage in order to progress and address the shortcomings of the health system in Africa. Telemedicine was cited as a useful voice for rapidly improving health in Africa. The following recommendations were adopted at the end of the webinar:
• Creation of an E-Health Observatory in Africa.
• Recommend the creation of a task force in each of the African countries at the head of a digital transformation structure in the health sector.
• Encourage public-private partnership to optimize the chances of carrying out digital transformation programs in the health sector.
• Encourage Maghreb cooperation to create synergies and allow benchmarking to refine the strategies of the digital transformation underway.
• As part of the European Union Africa cooperation, set up an e-Health development program in Africa. - 4th edition SITIC AFRICA ABIDJAN 2022:
This International Forum is scheduled for the 2nd day of the Show, Tuesday May 31, 2022 in Abidjan.
International E-health Forum in Africa, 4th edition SITIC AFRICA ABIDJAN 2022:
This International Forum is scheduled for the 2nd day of the Show, Tuesday May 31, 2022 in Abidjan.
Planned face-to-face, the International E-Health Forum in Africa should capitalize on the recommendations of previous editions and present a white paper on E-Health in Africa taking into consideration the COVID 19 Pandemic in its management, in the measures to be taken to counter it. And in the development of new digital tools for virtual communication and remote work. Three major axes could be developed in this direction:
• State of play of digital transformation, E-Health in Africa
• The need for the development of Telemedicine in Africa
• E-Health innovations to counter the COVID 19 Pandemic
2 hrs. 30min.
Pierre Dimba, Ivorian Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage
10h00-10h15: Opening of the Forum by Mr. Pierre Dimba, Ivorian Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage
10h15-10h30: Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage, Côte d’Ivoire
10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.: Mr. Dawkin’s Kamara (Jeff), Digital Health Manager | ICT4D.
Theme: Mobile Applications at the service of Health, Community in Africa.
10h45-11h00: Mr. Mohsen Ben Jemaa, DSI of the Pharmaceutical Company, SAIPH
The Tunisian experience in the fight against COVID 19
11.45am-12.30pm: Debates
12:30-12:45 p.m.: Closing by Mr. Pierre Dimba, Ivorian Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage

Mastery of information and communication systems in the pharmaceutical industry.
Founding member of Club DSI Tunisia since 2015.
Active participation in Club DSI events in Tunisia and North Africa.
Reservation ends in

Join us and be part of the great ICT event in Africa alongside decision makers and prime contractors from Tunisia, Africa and elsewhere. Come Share your experiences and participate in exchanges to contribute to the development of South-South collaboration links.
Info. Contact
Tel: 216 71 975 035 / 71 975 054
Fax: +216 71 975 352
e-mail: contact@siticafrica.com
Adress: Kram Exhibition Center
Exhibition Commissioner
Ms Nada Ziadi
E-mail: nada.tunisie.afrique.export@gmail.com
E-mail: nada@tunisie-afrique-export.com
Phone : +216 99 573 809
M. Chaker Mansouri
e-mail: mchaker@tunisie-afrique-export.com
Tel : +216 22 988 089
Ms Nada Ziadi
e-mail: nada.tunisie.afrique.export@gmail.com
e-mail: nada@tunisie-afrique-export.com
Phone : +216 99 573 809