Digital Marketing training: implementation strategies in financial institutions

Date / Place
- June 21, 2020 at 9:00 AM
- The exporter’s house (CEPEX), Tunis, Tunisia
- Company managers,
- Managers,
- Directors and communication, marketing or ecommerce managers,
- Sales managers of financial companies.
- Understanding the strategic, organizational and technological challenges imposed by the Internet
- Acquire a global and structured approach to digital marketing
- Know the main tools used to implement a digital strategy
- Acquire the fundamentals of the main digital levers
- Identify the new challenges related to Data
- Know the key indicators to drive your digital strategy
Understanding the challenges of business digitalization
- Technological developments are changing the world!
- The connected consumer, what impact on businesses?
- Digitalized companies vs Traditional companies
- The special case of financial companies
The sites of business digitalization
- 3 Fundamental Axes: customer experience, work processes and human resources
- Leadership and management of digitalization
- Technology
- Data
- Marketing and the customer experience
- Measure!
Digitization in Practice
- Why do we need a roadmap?
- The 5 steps to digitize your business
- Integrating digital into marketing strategies
- Integrate digital into its marketing / communication strategy.
- Discover the BTC methodology: from audit to action plans on the various contact points.
- Identify the challenges of digital for brands and the importance of becoming Digital Friendly.
- Understand the concept of brand platform in the digital age.
- Go from exposure to engagement.
- Set up an integrated action plan and identify complementarities with traditional contact points.
- Examples and success stories of digital integration cases.
Discover the evolutions of digital marketing in the era of Data
- Switch from emailing to a multi-channel relationship program.
- Discover marketing automation and the new scenario possibilities.
- Understand the different types of Data available for businesses.
- Distinguish E-CRM, CRM, Social CRM, Open Data, 1st party, 2nd party, 3rd party…
- Understanding the online advertising revolution: from media planning to
planning and programmatic audiences. - Understand the evolution of purchasing methods and the possibilities of marketing targeting.
- Organize to face the challenges and opportunities offered by Data for digital.
- Use a Data Management Platform (DMP) or a Customer Data Platform
- Understand the technical, business and legal dimensions of these platforms.
- Set up an effective site
- Master the concepts of definition and construction of a site: personas, UX design, development language.
- Understand the impact of mobile usage on websites.
- Differentiate mobile first, mobile only, responsive site and mobile application.
- Determine relevant indicators to monitor the performance of your site.
- Identify the tools for gathering information and give meaning to its indicators.
- Switch from reporting to optimizing your site.
- Optimizing the customer experience on its site thanks to A / B test tools, personalization tools, surveys …
Improve your SEO
- Understand the basics of SEO optimization.
- Master how the Google algorithm works.
- Know the techniques of SEO optimization in engines
- Understand how paid SEO works
- Understand the functioning of the Google Adwords platform
- Know the different possible targeting of Google Adwords
- Understand the features offered: call to action, store visit.
- Identify the complementarities between natural referencing and paid referencing.
Optimizing the use of social media
- Discover the latest trends in media and social networks.
- Set up a network presence strategy: which social networks to choose and which content to produce?
- Develop relevant conversational schedules.
- Manage and manage your social networks: the main tools to know.
- Examples and best practices of social media marketing strategies.
Reservation ends in

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M. Chaker Mansouri
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Ms Nada Ziadi
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